Barotrauma-associated regurgitation of food: Implications for diet studies of Hawaiian pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus (family Lutjanidae) | article DeMartini EE, Parrish FA, Ellis DM (1996) Fish Bull 94:250-256
Habitat and life history of juvenile Hawaiian pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus | article Moffitt RB, Parrish FA (1996) Pac Sci 50:371-381
Variation in reef associated assemblages of the Lutjanidae and Lethrinidae at different distances offshore in the central Great Barrier Reef | article Newman SJ, Williams DMcB (1996) Environ Biol Fish 46:123-138
Habitat thresholds and bottlenecks in production of the spiny lobster (Panulirus marginatus) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article Parrish FA, Polovina JJ (1994) Bull Mar Sci 54:151-163
Feeding ecology of deepwater Lutjanid snappers at Penguin Bank, Hawaii | article Haight WR, Parrish JD, Hayes TA (1993) Trans Am Fish Soc 122:328-347
Identification of habitat of juvenile snappers in Hawaii | article Parrish FA (1989) Fish Bull 87:1001-1005
Submersible observations of deep-reef fishes of Heceta Bank, Oregon | article Pearcy WG, Stein DL, Hixon MA, Pikitch EK, Barss WH, Starr RM (1989) Fish Bull 87:955-965
Reef fish assemblages on hard banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico | article Dennis GD, Bright TJ (1988) Bull Mar Sci 43:280-307
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