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Characterizing population structure of coral-associated fauna from mesophotic and shallow habitats in the Caribbean | article Veglia A, Hammerman NM, Rivera Rosaly CR, Lucas M, Galindo Estronza A, Corgosinho PH, Schizas NV (2018) J Mar Biol Assoc UK
Preliminary observations of macrobenthic invertebrates and megafauna communities in the upper mesophotic coral ecosystems in Apo Reef N... | article Quimpo TJR, Cabaitan PC, Olavides RDD, Dumalagan EE, Munar J, Siringan FP (2018) Raffles Bull Zool 66:1-11
Biodiversity and spatial patterns of benthic habitat and associated demersal fish communities at two tropical submerged reef ecosystems | article Wahab MAA, Radford B, Cappo M, Colquhoun J, Stowar M, Depczynski M, Miller K, Heyward A (2018) Coral Reefs 37:327–343
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Ephemeral aggregation of the benthic ctenophore Lyrocteis imperatoris on a mesophotic coral ecosystem in the Philippines | article Shepherd B, Pinheiro HT, Rocha LA (2018) Bull Mar Sci 94:101-102
Spatial and temporal changes in epibenthic communities at deep, hard bottom aquaculture sites in Newfoundland | article Salvo F, Mersereau J, Hamoutene D, Belley R, Dufour SC (2017) Ecol Indic 76:207-218
A new association between goblet worms (Entoprocta) and xeniid corals (Cnidaria) | article Denis V, Lin YTV, Ho MJ (2017) Marine Biodiversity 49:487-493