Algae (Macro, Turf and Crustose Coralline)

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A brachiopod biotope associated with rocky bottoms at the shelf break in the central Mediterranean Sea: Geobiological traits and conservation aspects | article
Angeletti L, Canese S, Cardone F, Castellan G, Foglini F, Taviani M (2020)
Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 30:402-411

Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate platforms of westernmost Tethys | article
Martín-Martín M, Guerrera F, Tosquella J, Tramontana M (2020)
Sediment Geol 404:105674

Drivers of biodiversity associated with rhodolith beds from euphotic and mesophotic zones: Insights for management and conservation | article
Veras PDC, Pierozzi-Jr I, Lino JB, Amado-Filho GM, Senna ARD, Santos CSG, Moura RLD, Passos FD, Giglio VJ, Pereira-Filho GH (2020)
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 18:37-43

Haraldiophyllum hawaiiense sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta): a new mesophotic genus record for the Hawaiian Islands | article
Paiano MO, Huisman JM, Cabrera FP, Spalding HL, Kosaki RK, Sherwood AR (2020)
Algae 35:337-347

Biodiversity of Hawaiian Peyssonneliales (Rhodophyta): Sonderophycus copusii sp. nov., a new species from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Sherwood AR, Paiano MO, Spalding HL, Kosaki RK (2020)
Algae 35:145-155

Domination of mesophotic ecosystems in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (Indonesia) by sponges, soft corals and other non-hard coral species | article
Bell JJ, Jompa J, Haris A, Werorilangi S, Shaffer M, Mortimer C (2019)
J Mar Biol Assoc UK 99:771–775

Characterization of Martensia (Delesseriaceae; Rhodophyta) from shallow and mesophotic habitats in the Hawaiian Islands: description of four new sp... | article
Sherwood AR, Lin S-M, Wade RM, Spalding HL, Smith CM, Kosaki RK (2019)
European Journal of phycology 55:172-185

Collections from the mesophytic zone off Bermuda reveal three species of Kallymeniaceae (gigartinales, rhodophyta) in genera with transoceanic dist... | article
Schneider, C.W., Popolizio, T.R., Saunders, G.W. (2019)
J Phycol 55:415-424

New records of the rare deep-water alga Sebdenia monnardiana (Rhodophyta) and the alien Dictyota cyanoloma (Phaeophyceae) and the unresolved case o... | article
Küpper FC, Tsiamis K, Johansson NR, Peters AF, Salomidi M, Manousakis L, Kallergis M, Graham MH, Kinlan B, Mystikou A, Žuljević A (2019)
Botanica Marina 62:577-586

Deep coralligenous outcrops of the Apulian continental shelf: Biodiversity and spatial variability of sediment-regulated assemblages | article
Piazzi L, Kaleb S, Ceccherelli G, Montefalcone M, Falace A (2019)
Continental Shelf Research 172:50-56

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