Turkey - Sea of Marmara

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Pre-assessment of zoobenthos diversity from the only hard coral Marine Reserve in the Turkish Seas (Çanakkale Strait, Turkey) | article
Özalp HB, Demir V, Evcen A, Önen-Tarantini S, Montesanto F, Erdoğan S, Çulha M, Koçak F (2022)
Regional Studies in Marine Science 55:e102571

First massive mucilage event observed in deep waters of Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles), Turkey | article
Özalp HB (2021)
J Black Sea/Medit Environ 27:49-66
A preliminary assessment of the mass mortality of some benthic species due to the mucilage phenomenon of 2021 in the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles)... | article
Özalp HB (2021)
J Black Sea/Medit Environ 27:154-166
Anticancer activity of Turkish marine extracts: a purple sponge extract induces apoptosis with multitarget kinase inhibition activity | article
Ciftci HI, Can M, Ellakwa DE, Suner SC, Ibrahim MA, Oral A, Sekeroglu N, Özalp B, Otsuka M, Fujita M, Alparslan M, Radwan MO (2020)
Invest New Drugs 38:1326-1333

Scleractinian diversity in the Dardanelles and Marmara Sea (Turkey): morphology, ecology and distributional patterns | article
Özalp HB, Alparslan M (2016)
Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud 45:259-285

First insights into the demography of the rare gorgonian Spinimuricea klavereni in the Mediterranean Sea | article
Topçu NE, Öztürk B (2016)
Mar Ecol 37:1154-1160

New records of anthozoan species (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Hexacorallia) for the Turkish Straits System | article
Özalp HB, Suat Ateş A (2015)
Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud 44:193-205

Composition and abundance of octocorals in the Sea of Marmara, where the Mediterranean meets the Black Sea | article
Topçu EN, Öztürk B (2015)
Scientia Marina 79:125-135

Distribution and morphology of the colonial scleractinian Madracis pharensis (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) in the Dardanelles (Marmara Sea, Turkey) | article
Özalp HB, Alparslan M (2015)
Acta Zool Bulg 67:429-434
An updated overview of the geographic and bathymetric distribution of Savalia savaglia | article
Giusti M, Cerrano C, Angiolillo M, Tunesi L, Canese S (2015)
Mediterr Mar Sci 16:128-135

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