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Warming and acidification threaten glass sponge Aphrocallistes vastus pumping and reef formation | article Stevenson A, Archer SK, Schultz JA, Dunham A, Marliave JB, Martone P, Harley CDG (2020) Sci Rep |
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Settlement of juvenile glass sponges and other invertebrate cryptofauna on the Hecate Strait glass sponge reefs | article Guillas KC, Kahn AS, Grant N, Archer SK, Dunham A, Leys SP (2019) Invertebr Biol 138:e12266 |
Formation, persistence, and recovery of glass sponge reefs: A case study | chapter Marliave JB, Borden LA, Schultz JA, Gibbs DM, Dennison GJ (2018) in: Invertebrates: Ecophysiology and Management ( IntechOpen) by Ray S, Diarte-Plata G, Escamilla-Montes R |
Inexpensive video drop-camera for surveying sensitive benthic habitats: applications from glass sponge (Hexactinellida) reefs in Howe Sound, Britis... | article Clayton L, & Dennison G (2017) The Canadian Field-Naturalist 131:46-54 |
Mapping coral and sponge habitats on a shelf-depth environment using multibeam sonar and ROV video observations: Learmonth Bank, northern British C... | article Neves BM, Du Preez C, Edinger E (2014) Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 99:169-183 |
Cold seeps and benthic habitat on the Pacific margin of Canada | article Barrie JV, Cook S, Conway KW (2011) Continental Shelf Research 31:s85-s92 |
High resolution mapping of community structure in three glass sponge reefs (Porifera, Hexactinellida) | article Chu JWF, Leys SP (2010) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 417:97–113 |
Biodiversity and rockfish recruitment in sponge gardens and bioherms of southern British Columbia, Canada | article Marliave JB, Conway KW, Gibbs DM, Lamb A, Gibbs C (2009) Mar Biol 156:2247-2254 |
Status of the glass sponge reefs in the Georgia Basin | article Cook SE, Conway KW, Burd B (2008) Marine Environmental Research 66:S80-S86 |