Brazil - Eastern Brazil

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Resolving natural ranges and marine invasions in a globally distributed octocoral (genus Carijoa) | article
Concepcion GT, Kahng SE, Crepeau MW, Franklin EC, Coles SL, Toonen RJ (2010)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 401:113-127

Structure of rhodolith beds from 4 to 55 meters deep along the southern coast of Espírito Santo State, Brazil | article
Amado-Filho GM, Maneveldt GW, Manso RCC, Marins-Rosa BV, Pacheco MR, Guimarães SMPB (2007)
Cienc Mar 33:399-410
Sponges (Porifera, Demospongiae) of the continental shelf off the coast of Amapá State, Brazil | article
Mothes B, de Campos MA, Lerner CB, da Silva CMM (2006)
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 23:667-677

Ecology and Zoogeography of Deep-Reef Fishes in Northeastern Brazil | article
Feitoza BM, Rosa RS, Rocha LA (2005)
Bull Mar Sci 76:725-742
Patterns of distribution and processes of speciation in Brazilian reef fishes | article
Rocha LA (2003)
Biogeography 30:1161-1171

Adult habitat preferences, larval dispersal, and the comparative phylogeography of three Atlantic surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae) | article
Rocha LA, Bass AL, Robertson DR, Bowen BW (2002)
Mol Ecol 11:243-252

A smaller and impaired Xanthopyll Cycle makes the deep sea macroalgae Laminaria Abyssalis (PHAEOPHYCEAE) highly sensitive to daylight when compared... | article
Rodrigues MA, Dos Santos CP, Young AJ, Strbac D, Hall DO (2002)
J Phycol 38:939-947

Sponge-dwelling fishes of northeastern Brazil | article
Rocha LA, Rosa IL, Feitoza BM (2000)
Environ Biol Fish 59:453-458

Strontium and uranium concentrations in aragonite precipitated by some modern corals | article
Thompson G, Livingston HD (1970)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 8:439-442

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