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Red algae acclimate to low light by modifying phycobilisome composition to maintain efficient light harvesting | article
Voerman SE, Ruseckas A, Turnbull GA, Samuel ID, Burdett HL (2022)
BMC Biology 20:1-6

Benthic Conservation Features and Species Associated With Subsea Pipelines: Considerations for Decommissioning | article
Rouse S, Lacey NC, Hayes P, Wilding TA (2019)
Front Mar Sci 6:200

Evaluation of image-based multibeam sonar backscatter classification for benthic habitat discrimination and mapping at Stanton Banks, UK | article
McGonigle C, Brown CJ, Quinn R, Grabowski J (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 81:423-437

Acoustic mapping using a multibeam echosounder reveals cold-water coral reefs and surrounding habitats | article
Roberts JM, Brown CJ, Long D, Bates CR (2005)
Coral Reefs 24:654–669

Broad-scale benthic community analysis in the Greater Minch Area (Scottish west coast) using remote and nondestructive techniques | article
Pinn EH, Robertson MR, Shand CW, Armstrong F (1998)
Int J Remote Sens 19:3039-3054

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