Australia - Southeastern Australia

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Modelling distribution of marine benthos from hydroacoustics and underwater video | article
Holmes KW, Van Niel KP, Radford B, Kendrick GA, Grove SL (2008)
Continental Shelf Research 28:1800-1810

Richness and distribution of sponge megabenthos in continental margin canyons off southeastern Australia | article
Schlacher TA, Schlacher-Hoenlinger MA, Williams A, Althaus F, Hooper JNA, Kloser R (2007)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 340:73-88

Marine benthic habitat mapping using Multibeam data, georeferencedvideo and image classification techniques in Victoria, Australia | article
Ierodiaconou D, Laurenson L, Burq S, Reston M (2007)
J Spat Sci 52:93-104

Seabed habitat mapping in the Kent Group of islands and its role in marine protected area planning | article
Jordan A, Lawler M, Halley V, Barrett N (2005)
Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 15:51-70

Carbonate sediments of Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs close to the southern limits of reef growth in the southwest Pacific | article
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 51:847-857

Short term variability in larval fish assemblages of the Sydney shelf: tracers of hydrographic variability | article
Smith KA, Gibbs MT, Middleton JH, Suthers IM (1999)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 178:1-15
Patterns in sponge (Porifera) assemblages on temperate coastal reefs off Sydney, Australia | article
Roberts DE, Davis AR (1996)
Mar Freshw Res 47:897-906

Patterns in subtidal marine assemblages associated with a deep-water sewage outfall | article
Roberts DE (1996)
Mar Freshw Res 47:1-9

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