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The foralgal crust facies of the deeper fore reefs in the Red Sea: A deep diving survey by submersible | article
Dullo W-C, Moussavian E, Brachert TC (1990)
Geobios 23:261-281

Submerged reef systems on the central western continental shelf of India | article
Vora KH, Almeida F (1990)
Mar Geol 91:255-262

Benthic biological studies of the southwest Florida shelf | article
Phillips NW, Gettleson DA, Spring KD (1990)
Am Zool 30:65-75

Submerged reefs and terraces on the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article
Harris PT, Davies PJ (1989)
Coral Reefs 8:87-98

[114 results] • Download as CSV
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