Diversity of deep-water coral-associated bacteria and comparison across depth gradients | article Jensen S, Hovland M, Lynch MDJ, Bourne DG (2019) FEMS Microbiol Ecol 95:fiz091 |
New records of the rare deep-water alga Sebdenia monnardiana (Rhodophyta) and the alien Dictyota cyanoloma (Phaeophyceae) and the unresolved case o... | article Küpper FC, Tsiamis K, Johansson NR, Peters AF, Salomidi M, Manousakis L, Kallergis M, Graham MH, Kinlan B, Mystikou A, Žuljević A (2019) Botanica Marina 62:577-586 |
Deep coralligenous outcrops of the Apulian continental shelf: Biodiversity and spatial variability of sediment-regulated assemblages | article Piazzi L, Kaleb S, Ceccherelli G, Montefalcone M, Falace A (2019) Continental Shelf Research 172:50-56 |
Application of hyperspectral imaging to underwater habitat mapping, Southern Adriatic Sea | article Foglini F, Grande V, Marchese F, Bracchi VA, Prampolini M, Angeletti L, Castellan G, Chimienti G, Hansen IM, Gudmundsen M, Meroni AN, Mercorella A, Vertino A, Badalamenti F, Corselli C, Erdal I, Martorelli E, Savini A, Taviani M (2019) Sensors |
Benthic habitat modelling and mapping as a conservation tool for marine protected areas: A seamount in the western Mediterranean | article de la Torriente A, González‐Irusta JM, Aguilar R, Fernández‐Salas LM, Punzón A, Serrano A (2019) Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 29:732-750 |
Effect of reef morphology and depth on fish community and trophic structure in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico | article Garner SB, Boswell KM, Lewis JP, Tarnecki JH, Patterson III WF (2019) Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 230:106423 |
Depth-dependent temperature variability in the Southern California bight with implications for the cold-water gorgonian octocoral Adelogorgia phyll... | article Gugliotti EF, DeLorenzo ME, Etnoyer PJ (2019) J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 514-515:118-126 |
Artisanal fishing impact on deep coralligenous animal forests: A Mediterranean case study of marine vulnerability | article Enrichetti F, Bava S, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Lanteri L, Bo M (2019) Ocean & Coastal Management 177:112-126 |
Detection and removal efficiency of invasive lionfish in the northern Gulf of Mexico | article Harris HE, Patterson III WF, Ahrens RNM, Allen MS (2019) Fish Res 213:22-32 |
Megabenthic communities of the Ligurian deep continental shelf and shelf break (NW Mediterranean Sea) | article Enrichetti F, Dominguez-Carrió C, Toma M, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Canese S, Bo M (2019) PLoS ONE 14:e0223949 |