Joining forces to monitor MCE bleaching

   2024, June 13
Posted by Veronica Radice

Posted by:
Veronica Radice
Smithsonian Institution  (United States of America)
Announcement keywords

“Joining forces to monitor MCE bleaching”

In 2024 the fourth global coral bleaching event was declared. The impacts of shallow coral reefs are being well documented, but what about deeper, in mesophotic coral ecosystems?

Here is a quick questionnaire to have a better idea of research efforts and coordinate contributions in the "join forces to monitor MCEs bleaching" project, aimed at gathering evidence worldwide on the bleaching/non-bleaching status of mesophotic coral ecosystems (and possibly temperate mesophotic ecosystems) during this 2023/2024 El Nino event.

The form can be accessed via this link:

If you have any questions, comments, please reach out! or Thank you!