Olavo et al. 2011

scientific article | Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst

Shelf-edge reefs as priority areas for conservation of reef fish diversity in the tropical Atlantic

Olavo G, Costa PAS, Martins AS, Ferreira BP


1. Data from fishing surveys employing bottom long-lines were analysed to characterize the diversity, assemblages and distribution patterns of demersal fish along the Brazilian outer shelf and upper slope, between latitudes 13°S and 22°S. 2. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis indicate three distinct species assemblages separated primarily by depth (the 200 m isobath) and secondarily by latitude (19°S), suggesting a continual transition along the depth and latitudinal gradients in the study area. Species richness was negatively correlated with depth, but with no clear relationship with latitude. 3. Results suggest the existence of reef formations on the shelf-edge zone (40–200 m) and slope down to 500 m depth off the eastern Brazilian coast. More than 75% of the catches recorded were reef fish species from the families Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Muraenidae, Sparidae, Balistidae, Carangidae, Haemulidae, Scorpaenidae and Priacanthidae. 4. The maximum depth of occurrence for 20 reef species was extended from limits previously recorded. 5. The findings reinforce the hypothesis of a faunal corridor for species associated with deep reef formations along the shelf-edge zone (40–200 m), in the South American continental margin, connecting the south-western Atlantic and the Caribbean provinces. 6. The shelf-edge reefs support important multi-species fisheries and harbour critical habitats for the life cycle of many reef fish species, including spawning aggregation sites that are extremely vulnerable to human pressures, such as intensive fishing, shipping and offshore oil and gas exploitation; all activities currently expanding off the Brazilian coast. 7. Results reveal the biological importance of deep shelf-edge reefs as a critical ecological area. Despite their importance, shelf edge reefs are not currently included in any marine protected area network in the tropical south-western Atlantic. There is now an urgent need to enhance knowledge, implement adequate management strategies and consider these deeper habitats as priority areas for conservation.

Research sites
Depth range
40- 500 m

Mesophotic “mentions”
7 x (total of 5593 words)

* Presents original data
* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'mesophotic coral ecosystem'

Management and Conservation
Community structure


Brazil - Eastern Brazil


Author profiles