Variation in reef associated assemblages of the Lutjanidae and Lethrinidae at different distances offshore in the central Great Barrier Reef | article Newman SJ, Williams DMcB (1996) Environ Biol Fish 46:123-138 1 occurrence(s) |
Biodiversity and spatial patterns of benthic habitat and associated demersal fish communities at two tropical submerged reef ecosystems | article Wahab MAA, Radford B, Cappo M, Colquhoun J, Stowar M, Depczynski M, Miller K, Heyward A (2018) Coral Reefs 37:327–343 1 occurrence(s) |
Habitat specialization in tropical continental shelf demersal fish assemblages | article Fitzpatrick BM, Harvey ES, Heyward AJ, Twiggs EJ, Colquhoun J (2012) PLoS ONE 7:e39634 1 occurrence(s) |