Chaetodon auriga

Chaetodon auriga

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Annotated checklist of the fishes of Johnston Island | article
Randall JE, Lovel PS, Chave EH (1985)
Pac Sci 39:24-80
1 occurrence(s)
Deep-sea benthic fish of the hawaiian Archipelago, Cross Seamount, and Johnston Atoll | article
Chave EH, Mundy BC (1994)
Pac Sci 48:367-409
1 occurrence(s)
Habitat specialization in tropical continental shelf demersal fish assemblages | article
Fitzpatrick BM, Harvey ES, Heyward AJ, Twiggs EJ, Colquhoun J (2012)
PLoS ONE 7:e39634
1 occurrence(s)
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