Chrysiptera rollandi

Chrysiptera rollandi

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Depth, bay position and habitat structure as determinants of coral reef fish distributions: Are deep reefs a potential refuge? | article
MacDonald C, Bridge TCL, Jones GP (2016)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 561:217-231
2 occurrence(s)
Microhabitat use and photoacclimation in the clownfish sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor | article
Dixon AK, Needham D, Al-Horani FA, Chadwick NE (2014)
J Mar Biol Assoc UK 94:473-480
1 occurrence(s)
Evidence of sustained populations of a small reef fish on artificial structures. Does depth affect production on artificial reefs? | article
Fowler AM, Booth DJ (2012)
J Fish Biol 80:613-629
1 occurrence(s)
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