
[194 results] • Download as CSV

New records and range extensions of deepwater algae from east Flower Garden Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico | article
Eiseman NJ, Blair SM (1982)
Contributions in Marine Science 25:21-26
Halimeda Hummii Sp. Nov., Halimeda Cryptica V. Acerifolia Var. Nov. (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta), And Additional Records Of Halimeda Species From: Pu... | article
Ballantine DL (1982)
J Phycol 18:86-91

Dudresnaya patula Sp. Nov., an unusual deep-water red alga from Florida | article
Eiseman NJ, Norris JN (1981)
J Phycol 17:186-191

The deep-water Scleractinia of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters | chapter
Cairns SD (1979)
in: Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands () by
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