Local Conditions Influence the Prokaryotic Communities Associated With the Mesophotic Black Coral Antipathella subpinnata | article van de Water JAJM, Coppari M, Enrichetti F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bo M (2020) Front Microbiol 11:537813
Deep-sea corals provide new insight into the ecology, evolution, and the role of plastids in widespread apicomplexan symbionts of anthozoans | article Vohsen SA, Anderson KE, Gade AM, Gruber-Vodicka HR, Dannenberg RP, Osman EO, Dubilier N, Fisher CR, Baums IB (2020) Microbiome 8:1-5
Trophic ecology of Caribbean sponges in the mesophotic zone | article Macartney KJ, Slattery M, Lesser MP (2020) Limnol Oceanogr 9999:1-12
Molecular and skeletal fingerprints of scleractinian coral biomineralization: From the sea surface to mesophotic depths | article Malik A, Einbinder S, Martinez S, Tchernov D, Tchernov D, Haviv S, Almuly R, Zaslansky P, Polishchuk I, Pokroy B, Stolarski J, Mass T (2020) Acta Biomater
Trophodynamics of the sclerosponge Ceratoporella nicholsoni along a shallow to mesophotic depth gradient | article Macartney KJ, Pankey MS, Slattery M, Lesser MP (2020) Coral Reefs
Population genetic structure of the great star coral, Montastraea cavernosa, across the Cuban archipelago with comparisons between microsatellite a... | article Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Méndez JG, González-Díaz P, Voss JD (2020) Sci Rep 10:1-15
Depth-dependent detritus production in the sponge, Halisarca caerulea | article Lesser MP, Mueller B, Pankey S, Macartney KJ, Slattery M, 5 de Goeij JM (2020) Limnol Oceanogr
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Transcriptomic plasticity of mesophotic corals among natural populations and transplants of Montastraea cavernosa in the Gulf of Mexico and Belize | article Studivan MS, Voss JD (2020) Mol Ecol 29:2399-2415
Physiological Characteristics of Stylophora pistillata Larvae Across a Depth Gradient | article Scucchia F, Nativ H, Neder M, Goodbody-Gringley G, Mass T (2020) Front Mar Sci 7:13