Trophic plasticity of mixotrophic corals under contrasting environments | article Sturaro N, Hsieh YE, Chen Q, Wang PL, Denis V (2021) Funct Ecol 35:2841-2855
On the path to thermo-stable collagen: Culturing the versatile sponge Chondrosia reniformis | article Orel B, Giovine M, Ilan M (2021) Marine Drugs 19:669
Plastic responses in the coral Pocillopora acuta to extreme low-light conditions with and without food provision | article Fong J, Poquita-Du RC, Todd PA (2021) Mar Biol 168:113
Selection of mesophotic habitats by Oculina patagonica in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea following global warming | article Martinez S, Bellworthy J, Ferrier-Pagès C, Mass T (2021) Sci Rep 11:18134
Dissolved nitrogen acquisition in the symbioses of soft and hard corals with Symbiodiniaceae: A key to understanding their different nutritional st... | article Pupier CA, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, Van de Water JA, Ferrier-Pagès C (2021) Front Microbiol
Unravelling the importance of diazotrophy in corals–combined assessment of nitrogen assimilation, diazotrophic community and natural stable isotope... | article Bednarz VN, Van De Water JA, Grover R, Maguer JF, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C (2021) Front Microbiol
Plasticity of Porites astreoides early life history stages suggests mesophotic coral ecosystems act as refugia in Bermuda | article Goodbody-Gringley G, Scucchia F, Ju R, Chequer A, Einbinder S, Martinez S, Nativ H, Mass T (2021) Front Mar Sci 8:702672
Environmental and biological drivers of white plague disease on shallow and mesophotic coral reefs | article Chaves‐Fonnegra A, Panassiti B, Smith TB, Brown E, Clemens E, Sevier M, Brandt ME (2021) Ecography 44:1071-1085
Genetic and physiological traits conferring tolerance to ocean acidification in mesophotic corals | article Scucchia F, Malik A, Putnam HM, Mass T (2021) Global Change Biol 27:5276-5294
Growth and feeding in the sponge Agelas tubulata from shallow to mesophotic depths on Grand Cayman Island | article Macartney KJ, Clayshulte Abraham A, Slattery M, Lesser MP (2021) Ecosphere 12:e03764