Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

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Corals in the mesophotic zone (40–115 m) at the barrier reef complex from San Andrés Island (Southwestern Caribbean) | article
Sánchez JA, González-Zapata FL, Dueñas LF, Andrade J, Pico-Vargas AL, Vergara DC, Sarmiento A, Bolaños N (2019)
Front Mar Sci 6:536

resolving the depth zonation paradox in reef-building corals | article
Roberts TE, Bridge TCL, Caley MJ, Madin JS, Baird AH (2019)
Ecology 100:e02761

Exploring mesophotic depth refuges on coral reefs | thesis
Laverick JH (2019)

Response diversity in Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages facing climate change: Insights from a multispecific thermotolerance experiment | article
Gómez-Gras D, Linares C, de Caralt S, Cebrian E, Frleta-Valic M, Montero-Serra I, Pagès-Escolà M, López-Sendino P, Garrabou J (2019)
Ecol Evol 9:4168–4180

Diversity of deep-water coral-associated bacteria and comparison across depth gradients | article
Jensen S, Hovland M, Lynch MDJ, Bourne DG (2019)
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 95:fiz091

Deep coralligenous outcrops of the Apulian continental shelf: Biodiversity and spatial variability of sediment-regulated assemblages | article
Piazzi L, Kaleb S, Ceccherelli G, Montefalcone M, Falace A (2019)
Continental Shelf Research 172:50-56

Late glacial to deglacial variation of coralgal assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article
Humblet M, Potts DC, Webster JM, Braga JC, Iryu Y, Yokoyama Y, Bourillot R, Séard C, Droxler A, Fujita K, Gischler E, Kan H (2019)
Glob Planet Change 174:70-91

Internal waves as controlling factor in the development of stromatoporoid-rich facies of the Apulia Platform margin (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceou... | article
Harchegani FK, Morsilli M (2019)
Sediment Geol 380:1-20

The lower Rupelian cluster reefs of Majella platform, the shallow water record of Eocene to Oligocene transition | article
Brandano M, Tomassetti L, Cornacchia I (2019)
Sediment Geol 380:21-30

Coral Sclerochronology: Similarities and Differences in the Coral Isotopic Signatures Between Mesophotic and Shallow-Water Reefs | chapter
Watanabe T, Watanabe TK, Yamazaki A, Yoneta S, Sowa K, Sinniger F, Eyal G, Loya Y, Harii S (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, Coral Reefs of the World (Springer) by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL
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