Depth- and light-dependent variation of carbon partitioning and utilization in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata | article Gattuso JP, Yellowlees D, Lesser M (1993) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 92:267-276
Depth-related timing of density band formation in Porites spp. corals from the Red Sea inferred from X-ray chronology and stable isotope composition | article Klein R, Pätzold J, Wefer G, Loya Y (1993) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 97:99-104
Adaptation of solitary corals and their zooxanthellae to low light and UV radiation | article Masuda K, Goto M, Maruyama T, Miyachi S (1993) Mar Biol 117:685-691
New Records of Deep-Water Cnidaria (Scleractinia & Antipatharia) from the Gulf of Mexico | article Cairns SD, Opresko DM, Hopkins TS, Schroeder WW (1993) Northeast Gulf Science 13:1-11
Influence of light on algal symbionts of the deep water coral Leptoseris fragilis | article Kaiser P, Schlichter D, Fricke HW (1993) Mar Biol 117:45-52
Photoadaptation of Solitary Corals, Fungia repanda, F. echinata, and Their Zooxanthellae | article Masuda K, Goto M, Maruyama Tadashi, Miyachi S (1992) Proceedings of the Seventh International Coral Reef Symposium 1:373-378
The stable level of coral primary production in a wide light range | article Titlyanov EA (1991) Hydrobiologia 216:383-387
Mechanisms of amplification of photosynthetically active radiation in the symbiotic deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis | article Schlichter D, Fricke HW (1991) Hydrobiologia 216/217:389-394
A perforated gastrovascular cavity in the symbiotic deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis: a new strategy to optimize heterotrophic nutrition | article Schlichter D (1991) Helgolander Meeresunters 45:423-443
An early Holocene reef in the western Atlantic: submersible investigations of a deep relict reef off the west coast of Barbados, W.I. | article Macintyre IG, Rützler K, Norris JN, Smith KP, Cairns SD, Bucher KE, Steneck RS (1991) Coral Reefs 10:167-174