Maggy Nugues

Maggy Nugues

University of Perpignan  (France)


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Long-term dynamics of the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata on deep reefs in Curacao | article
Nugues MM, Bak RPM (2008)
Coral Reefs 27:389-393

Depth-related variation in epiphytic communities growing on the brown alga Lobophora variegata in a Caribbean coral reef | article
Fricke A, Titlyanova TV, Nugues MM, Bischof K (2011)
Coral Reefs 30:967-973

40 Years of benthic community change on the Caribbean reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of slimy cyanobacterial mats | article
De Bakker DM, Van Duyl FC, Bak RPM, Nugues MM, Nieuwland G, Meesters EH (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:355–367

Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)