marine ecosystem modelling; complex systems science; effects of climate and fishing on marine ecosytems; benthic community dynamics ; climate-driven range shifts; development of decision-support tools for fisheries and marine socio-ecosystem management; assessment of ecosystem services; management strategy evaluation; marine protected areas; trophic cascade and regime shift
Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.
Changes in deep reef benthic community composition across a latitudinal and environmental gradient in temperate Eastern Australia | article James LC, Marzloff MP, Barrett N, Friedman A, Johnson CR (2017) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 565:35-52 |
Stereo_imaging AUV detects trends in sea urchin abundance on deep overgrazed reefs | article Ling SD, Mahon I, Marzloff M, Pizarro O, Johnson C, Williams S (2016) Limnol Oceanogr Methods 14:293-304 |
Temporal and spatial variability in the cover of deep reef species: Implications for monitoring | article Perkins NR, Foster SD, Hill NA, Marzloff MP, Barrett NS (2017) Ecol Indic 77:337-347 |
Differential vulnerability to climate change yields novel deep-reef communities | article Marzloff MP, Oliver ECJ, Barrett NS, Holbrook NJ, James L, Wotherspoon SJ, Johnson CR (2018) Nat Clim Chang 8:873–878 |