Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs
are indexed.
Distribution and phenotypic variability of the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea macrospina (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) | article Pica D, Calcinai B, Poliseno A, Trainito E, Cerrano C (2018) Eur Zool J 85:392-408
Stability of the sponge assemblage of Mediterranean coralligenous concretions along a millennial time span | article Bertolino M, Calcinai B, CattaneoâVietti R, Cerrano C, Lafratta A, Pansini M, Pica D, Bavestrello G (2014) Mar Ecol 35:149-158
Comparison between the sponge fauna living outside and inside the coralligenous bioconstruction. A quantitative approach | article Calcinai B, Bertolino M, Bavestrello G, Montori S, Mori M, Pica D, Valisano L, Cerrano C. (2015) Mediterr Mar Sci 16:413-418
SfM-based method to assess gorgonian forests (Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia)) | article Palma M, Rivas Casado M, Pantaleo U, Pavoni G, Pica D, Cerrano C (2018) Remote Sens 10:1154
Temperate mesophotic ecosystems: gaps and perspectives of an emerging conservation challenge for the Mediterranean Sea | review Cerrano C, Bastari A, Calcinai B, Di Camillo C, Pica D, Puce S, Valisano L, Torsani F (2019) Eur Zool J 86:370-388
Cheilostomatida (Bryozoa) from the Ionian Apulian coast (Italy) with the description of new species | article Pica D, Berning B, Calicchio R (2022) Eur Zool J 89:371-422
A new Distichopora species (Cnidaria: Stylasteridae) from the mesophotic zone of Palau | article Cairns SD, Pica D (2019) Pac Sci 73:493-499
Updating the current knowledge on the relationships between Haplosyllis chamaeleon Laubier, 1960 (Annelida, Syllidae) and Paramuricea clavata (Riss... | article Pola L, Calcinai B, Pica D, Di Camillo CG, Martin D, Cerrano C (2020) Marine Biodiversity 50:105