Or Mordechay Bialik

Or Mordechay Bialik


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Mesophotic depth biogenic accumulations (“biogenic mounds”) offshore the Maltese Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea | article
Bialik OM, Varzi AG, Durán R, Le Bas T, Gauci A, Savini A, Micallef A (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:803687

Current and sea level control the demise of shallow carbonate production on a tropical bank (Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean) | article
Betzler C, Lindhorst S, Lüdmann T, Reijmer JJ, Braga J-C, Bialik OM, Reolid J, Eisermann JO, Emeis K, Rixen T, Bissessur D (2021)
Geology 49:1431-1435

Carbonate platform drowning caught in the act: the sedimentology of Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean) | article
Betzler C, Lindhorst S, Reijmer JJG, Braga JC, Lüdmann T, Bialik OM, Reolid J, Geßner AL, Hainbucher D, Bissessur D (2023)
Sedimentology 70:78-99

Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)