Acoustic Telemetry

[25 results] • Download as CSV

Diel cycle of two recurrent fish sounds from mesophotic coral reefs | article
Raick X, Collet P, Under The PC, Lecchini D, Bertucci F, Parmentier E (2023)
Scientia Marina

Carbonate platform drowning caught in the act: the sedimentology of Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean) | article
Betzler C, Lindhorst S, Reijmer JJG, Braga JC, Lüdmann T, Bialik OM, Reolid J, Geßner AL, Hainbucher D, Bissessur D (2023)
Sedimentology 70:78-99

Comprehensive spatial distribution of tropical fish assemblages from multifrequency acoustics and video fulfils the island mass effect framework | article
Salvetat J, Bez N, Habasque J, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Lopes C, Roudaut G, Simier M, Travassos P, Vargas G, Bertrand A (2022)
Sci Rep 12:8787

Spatiotemporal and ecological distribution of megabenthic non-crustacean invertebrates in an ultra-oligotrophic gulf, the eastern Mediterranean Sea | article
Garuti A, Mutlu E (2021)
Journal of Marine Systems 224:103644

Exploring coral reef biodiversity via underwater soundscapes | article
Lin TH, Akamatsu T, Sinniger F, Harii S (2021)
Biol Conserv

Comparing the underwater soundscapes of four U.S. national parks and marine sanctuaries | article
Haver SM, Fournet MEH, Dziak RP, Gabriele C, Gedamke J, Hatch LT, Haxel J, Heppell SA, McKenna MF, Mellinger DK, van Parijs SM (2019)
Front Mar Sci

Habitat geography around Hawaii’s oceanic islands influences tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) spatial behaviour and shark bite risk at ocean recreat... | article
Meyer CG, Anderson JM, Coffey DM, Hutchinson MR, Royer MA, Holland KN (2018)
Sci Rep 8:1-18

Coral Reef Soundscape to Measure the Species Distribution and Biodiversity | report
Akamatsu T, Lin TH, Tsao Y, Sinniger F, Harii S (2018)

Horizontal and vertical movements of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi): conservation implications of limited migration in a marine sanctuary | article
Shipley ON, Howey LA, Tolentino ER, Jordan LK, Ruppert JL, Brooks EJ (2017)
R Soc Open Sci 4:160611

Mesophotic coral ecosystems: a geoacoustically derived proxy for habitat and relative diversity for the leeward shelf of Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean | article
Trembanis AC, Forrest AL, Keller BM, Patterson MR (2017)
Front Mar Sci

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