Benthic mucilage blooms threaten coralligenous reefs | article Piazzi L, Atzori F, Cadoni N, Cinti MF, Frau F, Ceccherelli G (2018) Marine Environmental Research 140:145-151
Sponges associated with coralligenous formations along the Apulian coasts | article Longo C, Cardone F, Pierri C, Mercurio M, Mucciolo S, Marzano CN, Corriero G (2018) Mar Biodiv 48:2151–2163
Molecular assessment of Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) distribution along a depth gradient in Ludao, Taiwan | article De Palmas S, Soto D, Denis V, Ho M-J, Chen CA (2018) PeerJ
Spatial variation in the morphological traits of Pocillopora verrucosa along a depth gradient in Taiwan | article Soto D, De Palmas S, Ho MJ, Denis V, Chen CA (2018) PLoS ONE
A new alcyonacean species (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from a seamount in the tropical Pacific Ocean | article Breedy O, Guzman HM (2018) Bull Mar Sci 94:1515–1524
Deep reefs of the Great Barrier Reef offer limited thermal refuge during mass coral bleaching | article Frade PR, Bongaerts P, Englebert N, Rogers A, Gonzalez-Rivero M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2018) Nature communications 9:3447
Investigations on mesophotic coral ecosystems in Cuba (1970-1973) and Mexico (1983-1984) | article Zlatarski V (2018) CICIMAR Oceánides 33:27-43
Spatial variability in reef‐fish assemblages in shallow and upper mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Philippines | article Quimpo TJR, Cabaitan PC, Olavides RDD, Dumalagan Jr. EE, Munar J, Siringan FP (2018) J Fish Biol 94:17-28
Evidence of photoacclimatization at mesophotic depths in the coral-Symbiodinium symbiosis at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and McGr... | article Polinski JM, Polinski JM, Voss JD (2018) Coral Reefs 37:779–789
Conspicuous endolithic algal associations in a mesophotic reef-building coral | article Gonzalez-Zapata FL, Gómez-Osorio S, Sánchez JA (2018) Coral Reefs 37:705–709