SCUBA (open-circuit or unspecified)

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Reef fish assemblages on hard banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico | article
Dennis GD, Bright TJ (1988)
Bull Mar Sci 43:280-307
Morphology and ecology of the deep fore reef slope at Osprey Reef (Coral Sea) | article
Sarano FF, Pichon MM (1988)
Proc 6th Int Coral Reef Symp 2:607-611
Abundances and physiological properties of deep-water seaweeds from Carolina outer continental shelf | article
Peckol P, Ramus J (1988)
J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 115:25-39

Hard substrata community patterns, 1–120 M, North Jamaica | article
Liddell WD, Ohlhorst SL (1988)
Palaios 3:413-423
Light absorption and utilization among hermatypic corals: a study in Jamaica, West Indies | article
Wyman KD, Dubinsky Z, Porter JW, Falkoski PG (1987)
Mar Biol 96:283-292

Variability in the pattern of sexual reproduction of the coral Stylophora pistillata at Eilat, Red Sea: A long-term study | article
Rinkevich B, Loya Y (1987)
Biol Bull 173:335-344
Catastrophic impact of hurricanes on atoll outer reef slopes in the Tuamotu (French Polynesia) | article
Harmelin-Vivien ML, Laboute P (1986)
Coral Reefs 5:55-62

Deep water populations of Halimeda in the economy of an atoll | article
Hillis-Colinvaux L (1986)
Bull Mar Sci 38:155-169
Reef corals of Johnston Atoll: one of the world's most isolated reefs | article
Maragos JE, Jokiel PL (1986)
Coral Reefs 4:141-150

Reef corals of Johnston Atoll: one of the world's most isolated reefs | article
Maragos JE, Jokiel PL (1986)
Coral Reefs 4:141-150

[603 results] • Download as CSV
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