de Mahiques et al. 2019

scientific article | Sci Rep | open access

Insights on the evolution of the living Great Amazon Reef System, equatorial West Atlantic

de Mahiques MM, Siegle E, Francini-Filho RB, Thompson FL, de Rezende CE, Gomes JD, Asp NE


The Great Amazon Reef (GARS) is an extensive mesophotic reef ecosystem between Brazil and the Caribbean. Despite being considered as one of the most important mesophotic reef ecosystems of the South Atlantic, recent criticism on the existence of a living reef in the Amazon River mouth was raised by some scientists and politicians. The region is coveted for large-scale projects for oil and gas exploration. Here, we add to the increasing knowledge about the GARS by exploring evolutionary aspects of the reef using primary and secondary information on radiocarbon dating from carbonate samples. The results obtained demonstrate that the reef is alive and growing, with living organisms inhabiting the GARS in its totality. Additional studies on net reef growth, habitat diversity, and associated biodiversity are urgently needed to help reconcile economic activities and biodiversity conservation.

Depth range
23- 191 m

Mesophotic “mentions”
10 x (total of 3367 words)

* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'mesophotic coral ecosystem'

Management and Conservation

Overall benthic (groups)

Brazil - Eastern Brazil

Author profiles