Mesophotic vs. shallow water reefs: ecosystem connectivity in the Silurian of Gotland | article Łuczyński P, Skompski S, Zapalski MK (2023) Coral Reefs 42:1147-1161
Carbonate platform drowning caught in the act: the sedimentology of Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean) | article Betzler C, Lindhorst S, Reijmer JJG, Braga JC, Lüdmann T, Bialik OM, Reolid J, Geßner AL, Hainbucher D, Bissessur D (2023) Sedimentology 70:78-99
Benthic communities of the lower mesophotic zone on One Tree shelf edge, southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article Wright RM, Beaman RJ, Daniell J, Bridge TCL, Pall J, Webster JM (2023) Mar Freshw Res 74:1178-1192
Mesophotic benthic communities associated with a submerged palaeoshoreline in Western Australia | article Wakeford M, Puotinen M, Nicholas W, Colquhoun J, Vaughan BI, Whalan S, Parnum I, Radford B, Case M, Galaiduk R, Miller KJ (2023) PLoS ONE 18:e0289805
Styles and rates of mesophotic reef accretion on a Caribbean insular slope | article Sherman CE, Carlo M, Tuohy E, Adey WH (2023) Coral Reefs
Beachrocks of the last low sea level, substrate of the Great Amazon Reef system along the outer Guiana shelf | article Giresse P, Loncke L, Heuret A, Longueville F, Casanova A, Sadaoui M (2023) Geo-Marine Letters 43:10
The Eocene carbonate platforms of the Ghomaride Domain (Internal Rif Zone, N Morocco): a segment of the westernmost Tethys | article Martín-Martín M, Tosquella J, Guerrera F, Maaté A, Hlila R, Maaté S, Tramontana M, Le Breton E (2023) Sediment Geol 452:106423
Holocene, mesophotic, carbonate sedimentation, Bermuda atoll margin; a submersible study | article James N, Blasco S, Tucker T (2023) Mar Geol 460:107049
Facies created by the yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816): Origin, substrate preferences and habitat complexity | article Enrichetti F, Toma M, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Giusti M, Canese S, Moccia D, Quarta G, Calcagnile L, Andaloro F, Greco S, Bo M (2023) Deep Sea Res Part 1 Oceanogr Res Pap 195:104000
Wide-Area Three-Dimensional Imaging of Mesophotic Coral Reefs Using a Low-Cost AUV | article Noguchi Y, Humblet M, Furushima Y, Ito S, Maki T (2022) Marine Technology Society 4:74-89