Characterization of mesophotic benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Tourmaline Reef, Puerto Rico | report Garcia-Sais JR, Williams SM, Esteves RF, Sabater J, Carlo MA (2013) NOAA
8 occurrence(s)
Reef habitats and associated sessile-benthic and fish assemblages across a euphotic-mesophotic depth gradient in Isla Desecheo, Puerto Rico | article Garcia-Sais JR (2010) Coral Reefs 29:277-288
4 occurrence(s)
Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)
3 occurrence(s)
Conventional and technical diving surveys reveal elevated biomass and differing fish community composition from shallow and upper mesophotic zones ... | article Muñoz RC, Buckel CA, Whitfield PE, Viehman S, Clark R, Taylor JC, Degan BP, Hickerson EL (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0188598
2 occurrence(s)
Patterns of distribution and processes of speciation in Brazilian reef fishes | article Rocha LA (2003) Biogeography 30:1161-1171
2 occurrence(s)
The Pulley Ridge deep reef is not a stable refugia through time | article Slattery M, Moore S, Boye L, Whitney S, Woolsey A, Woolsey, M (2018) Coral Reefs 37:391-396
2 occurrence(s)
Allelopathy in the tropical alga Lobophora variegata (Phaeophyceae): mechanistic basis for a phase shift on mesophotic coral reefs? | article Slattery M, Lesser MP (2014) J Phycol 50:493-505
2 occurrence(s)
Fish assemblages associated with red grouper pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic reef in the Gulf of Mexico | article Harter SL, Moe H, Reed JK, David AW (2017) Fish Bull 115:419-432
1 occurrence(s)
Differential habitat use of reef fishes on a shelf-edge reef off La Parguera, Puerto Rico | article Tzadik OE, Kilborn JP, Appeldoorn RS (2017) Bull Mar Sci 93:893-914
1 occurrence(s)
Geology and biology of the “Sticky Grounds”, shelf-margin carbonate mounds, and mesophotic ecosystem in the eastern Gulf of Mexico | article Locker SD, Reed JK, Farrington S, Harter S, Hine AC, Dunn S (2016) Cont Shelf Res 125:71-87
1 occurrence(s)