Population Structure of Montastraea cavernosa on Shallow versus Mesophotic Reefs in Bermuda | article Goodbody-Gringley G, Marchini C, Chequer AD, Goffredo S (2015) PLoS ONE 10:e0142427 1 occurrence(s) |
Coral disease prevalence and host susceptibility on mid-depth and deep reefs in the United States Virgin Islands | article Calnan JM, Smith TB, Nemeth RS, Kadison E, Blondeau J (2008) Rev Biol Trop 56:223-234 1 occurrence(s) |
How are coral populations structured by light? Marine light regimes and the distribution of Madracis | article Vermeij MJA, Bak RPM (2002) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 233:105-116 1 occurrence(s) |
Benthic biological studies of the southwest Florida shelf | article Phillips NW, Gettleson DA, Spring KD (1990) Am Zool 30:65-75 1 occurrence(s) |