Seriola dumerili

Seriola dumerili

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Geology and biology of the “Sticky Grounds”, shelf-margin carbonate mounds, and mesophotic ecosystem in the eastern Gulf of Mexico | article
Locker SD, Reed JK, Farrington S, Harter S, Hine AC, Dunn S (2016)
Cont Shelf Res 125:71-87
2 occurrence(s)
Rapid assessment of fish communities on submerged oil and gas platform reefs using remotely operated vehicles | article
Ajemian MJ, Wetz JJ, Shipley-Lozano B, Stunz GW (2015)
Fish Res 167:143-155
2 occurrence(s)
Characterization of the mesophotic reef fish community in south Florida, USA | article
Bryan DR, Kilfoyle K, Gilmore RG, Spieler RE (2013)
J Appl Ichthyol 29:108-117
2 occurrence(s)
Fish assemblages associated with red grouper pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic reef in the Gulf of Mexico | article
Harter SL, Moe H, Reed JK, David AW (2017)
Fish Bull 115:419-432
1 occurrence(s)
Mesophotic depth gradients impact reef fish assemblage composition and functional group partitioning in the main Hawaiian Islands | article
Asher J, Williams ID, Harvey ES (2017)
Front Mar Sci 4:1-18
1 occurrence(s)
Distinct cross-shelf gradient in mesophotic reef fish assemblages in subtropical eastern Australia | article
Pearson R, Stevens T (2015)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 532:185-196
1 occurrence(s)
Deep-reef fish assemblages of the Great Barrier Reef shelf-break (Australia) | article
Sih T, Cappo M, Kingsford M (2017)
Sci Rep 7:1-18
1 occurrence(s)
Preliminary Comparisons Between Reef Fish Assemblages on Vessel-Reefs and Natural Substrate in Depths of 70 – 95 Meters | chapter
Bryan DR, Arena PT, Spieler RE (2006)
in: (Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute) by
1 occurrence(s)
Variation in the density and species composition of fishes associated with three petroleum platforms using dual beam hydroacoustics | article
Stanley DR, Wilson CA (2000)
Fish Res 47:161-172
1 occurrence(s)
Color variation and associated behavior in the epinepheline groupers, Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean) and M. phenax Jordan and Swain | article
Gilmore RG, Jones RS (1992)
Bull Mar Sci 51:83-103
1 occurrence(s)
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