Chromis enchrysurus

Chromis enchrysurus

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Native fish community structure and Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans densities along a depth-temperature gradient in Onslow Bay, North Caroli... | article
Whitfield PE, Muñoz RC, Buckel CA, Degan BP, Freshwater DW, Hare JA (2014)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 509:241-254
4 occurrence(s)
The perfect storm: match-mismatch of bio-physical events drives larval reef fish connectivity between Pulley Ridge mesophotic reef and the Florida ... | article
Vaza AC, Parisa CB, Olascoaga MJ, Kourafalou VH, Kanga H, Reed JK (2016)
Cont Shelf Res 125:136-146
1 occurrence(s)
Characterization of the mesophotic reef fish community in south Florida, USA | article
Bryan DR, Kilfoyle K, Gilmore RG, Spieler RE (2013)
J Appl Ichthyol 29:108-117
1 occurrence(s)
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