Management and Conservation

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Benthic structure and cryptic mortality in a Caribbean mesophotic coral reef bank system, the Hind Bank Marine Conservation District, US Virgin Isl... | article
Smith TB, Blondeau J, Nemeth RS, Pittman SJ, Calnan JM, Kadison E, Gass J (2010)
Coral Reefs 29:289-308

Widespread rocky reef occurrence in the central English Channel and the implications for predictive habitat mapping | article
Diesing M, Coggan R, Vanstaen K (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 86:647-658

Foraging interaction between monk seals and large predatory fish in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Parrish FA, Marshall GJ, Buhleier B, Antonelis GA (2008)
Endanger Species Res 4:299-308

Survey of deep-dwelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations at Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) | article
Rossi S, Tsounis G, Orejas C, Padrón T, Gili J-M, Bramanti L, Teixidó N, Gutt J (2008)
Mar Biol 154:533-545

Assessing coral reef health across onshore to offshore stress gradients in the US Virgin Islands | article
Smith TB, Nemeth RS, Blondeau J, Calnan JM, Kadison E, Herzlieb S (2008)
Mar Pollut Bull 56:1983-1991

Spatial dynamics of the Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus in a Caribbean atoll | article
Starr RM, Sala E, Ballesteros E, Zabala M (2007)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 343:239-249

Abundance estimates of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans/miles complex in the Western North Atlantic | article
Whitfield PE, Hare JA, David AW, Harter SL, Muñoz RC, Addison CM (2007)
Biol Invasions 9:53-64

Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report
Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)

Spatial and temporal patterns of movement and migration at spawning aggregations of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the US Virgin Islands | article
Nemeth RS, Blondeau J, Herzlieb S, Kadison E (2007)
Environ Biol Fish 78:365-381

Benthic invertebrates that form habitat structures on deep banks of southern California, with special reference to deep sea coral | article
Tissot BN, Yoklavich MM, Love MS, York K, Amend M (2006)
Fish Bull 104:167–181

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