I work on the ecology, demography, biology and conservation of Scleractinians and octcocorals In the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Pacific. In the Mediterranean I work on climate change effects, conservation and management of Corallium rurbum (Mediterranean red coral and on the ecology connectivity and conservation of gorgonian forests. In the Caribbean I work in cooperation with California State University Northridge (PJ Edmunds) and University of uffalo (HR Lasker) on the ecology and conservation of gorgonians and on the shift between gorgonians and scleractinians. in the Pacific I work on population dynamics of scleractinians and climate change effects (Taiwan and French Polynesia) in cooperation with PJ Edmunds and on the mesophotic octcocorals of French Polynesia in cooperation with CRIOBE (Laetitia Hedouin).
Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.