Jordi Grinyó

Jordi Grinyó

Laboratoire d'Ecogéochimie des Environnements Benthiques
&  Institut de Ciències del Mar

Research interests

I am currently working on the study of benthic communities in deep environments of the Mediterranean Sea, specially focussing on habitat forming species such as anthzoans and sponges. I am also working on different projects that allow to mitigate the impacts that artisenal fishing is causing on mesophytic communites in the Cap de Creus peninsula (NW Mediterranean).


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Characterization of the zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate morphotypes of the Mediterranean gorgonian Eunicella singularis | article
Gori A, Bramanti L, López-González P, Thoma JN, Gili J-M, Grinyó J, Uceira V, Rossi S (2012)
Mar Biol 159:1485-1496

Diversity, distribution and population size structure of deep Mediterranean gorgonian assemblages (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea) | article
Grinyó J, Gori A, Ambroso S, Purroy A, Calatayud C, Dominguez-Carrió C, Coppari M, Lo Iacono C, López-González P, Gili JM (2016)
Progr Oceanogr 145:42-56

Animal Forests in Deep Coastal Bottoms and Continental Shelf of the Mediterranean Sea | chapter
Gori A, Bavestrello G, Grinyó J, Dominguez-Carrió C, Ambroso S, Bo M (2017)
in: () by
Exploring the genetic diversity and the population structure of the mesophotic Paramuricea macrospina in the Menorca Channel | article
Paletta MG, JordiGrinyó J, Gili JM, Díaz D, Muñoz A, Garrabou J, Abbiati M, Ledoux JB, Costantini F, Costantini F (2019)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 219:444-452

Reproduction, energy storage and metabolic requirements in a mesophotic population of the gorgonian Paramuricea macrospina | article
Grinyó J, Viladrich N, Díaz D, Muñoz A, Mallol S, Salazar J, Castillo R, Gili JM, Gori A (2018)
PLoS ONE 13:e0203308

Sponge assemblages on the deep Mediterranean continental shelf and slope (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea) | article
Santín A, Grinyó J, Ambroso S, Uriz MJ, Gori A, Dominguez-Carrió C, Gili J-M (2018)
Deep Sea Res Part 1 Oceanogr Res Pap 131:75-86

Distribution patterns and demographic trends of demosponges at the Menorca Channel (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) | article
Santín A, Grinyó J, Ambroso S, Uriz MJ, Dominguez-Carrió C, Gili JM (2019)
Progr Oceanogr 173:9-25

Soft corals assemblages in deep environments of the Menorca Channel (Western Mediterranean Sea) | article
Grinyó J, Garriga A, Soler-Membrives A, Santín A, Ambroso S, López-González PJ, Díaz D (2020)
Progr Oceanogr 188:102435

Involving fishers in scaling up the restoration of cold-water coral gardens on the Mediterranean continental shelf | article
Montseny M, Linares C, Viladrich N, Biel M, Gracias N, Baena P, Quintanilla E, Ambroso S, Grinyó J, Santín A, Salazar J, Carreras M, Palomeras N, Magí L, Vallicrosa G, Gili J, Gori A (2021)
Biol Conserv 262:109301

The role of Mediterranean sponges in benthic–pelagic coupling processes: Aplysina aerophoba and Axinella polypoides case studies | article
Coppari M, Gori A, Viladrich N, Saponari L, Canepa A, Grinyó J, Olariaga A, Rossi S (2016)
J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 477:57-68

Megabenthic assemblages in the continental shelf edge and upper slope of the Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea | article
Grinyó J, Gori A, Greenacre M, Requena S, Canepa A, Iacono CL, Ambroso S, Purroy A, Gili JM (2018)
Progr Oceanogr 162:40-51

Near-pristine benthic habitats on the Francesc Pagès Bank, Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean | chapter
Lo Iacono C, Grinyó J, Conlon S, Lafosse M, Rabaute A, Pierdomenico M, Perea H, d'Acremont E, Gràcia E (2020)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat (Elsevier) by Harris PT, Baker E
Research keywords
Research platform experience
  Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
  Manned Submersible
Research summary (from publications)