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Mesophotic vs. shallow water reefs: ecosystem connectivity in the Silurian of Gotland | article
Łuczyński P, Skompski S, Zapalski MK (2023)
Coral Reefs 42:1147-1161

Ecological and genomic characterization of a remarkable natural heritage: a mesophotic ‘giant’ Paramuricea clavata forest | article
Sartoretto S, Ledoux JB, Gueret E, Guillemain D, Ravel C, Moirand L, Aurelle D (2023)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Does depth divide? Variable genetic connectivity patterns among shallow and mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa coral populations across the Gulf of M... | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Carreiro AM, Klein AM, Studivan MS, Dodge Farelli D, Simões N, González‐Díaz P, González Méndez J, Voss JD (2023)
Ecol Evol 13:e10622

Phylogeography of Amansia glomerata C. Agardh (Ceramiales, Rhodomelaceae) in Hawai ‘i: A single species with high divergence | article
Fumo JT, Sherwood AR (2023)
Crypt Algol 44:85–100

Genetic diversity patterns of lionfish in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean reveal a rapidly expanding stepping‑stone bioinvasion process | article
Maggioni R, Rocha RS, Viana JT, Giarrizzo T, Rabelo EF, Ferreira CE, Sampaio CL, Pereira PH, Rocha LA, Rocha LA, Tavares TC, Soares MO (2023)
Sci Rep 13:13469

Physiological and morphological plasticity in Stylophora pistillata larvae from Eilat, Israel, to shallow and mesophotic light conditions | article
Bellworthy J, Pardo R, Scucchia F, Zaslansky P, Goodbody-Gringley G, Mass T (2023)
iScience 26:106969

Cross-depth connectivity shows that deep kelps may act as refugia by reseeding climate-vulnerable shallow beds | article
Giraldo-Ospina A, Ruiz-Montoya L, Kendrick GA, Hovey RK (2023)
Ecosphere 14:e4471

assembly rules of coral reef fish communities along the depth gradient | article
Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Quimbayo JP, Shepherd B, Phelps TA, Loss AC, Teixeira JB, Rocha LA (2023)
Curr Biol 33:1421-1430

Growth and survival dynamics of mesophotic coral juveniles in shallow reefs | article
Kramer N, Eyal G, Tamir R, Loya Y (2022)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 682:237-242

Author Correction: Limited acclimation of early life stages of the coral Seriatopora hystrix from mesophotic depth to shallow reefs | article
Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Nakamura T, Harii S (2022)
Sci Rep 12:15342

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