Monitoring the diurnal and seasonal foraging of Hawaiian monk seals in mesophotic rubble habitat using seafloor event loggers called “electric rocks” | article Parrish FA, Boland RC, Sawyer M, Greene BD, Buhleier B, Marshall GJ (2023) Endanger Species Res 51:293-303
Cross-depth connectivity shows that deep kelps may act as refugia by reseeding climate-vulnerable shallow beds | article Giraldo-Ospina A, Ruiz-Montoya L, Kendrick GA, Hovey RK (2023) Ecosphere 14:e4471
Fish community assessment of shelf-edge artificial reefs along east-central Florida | article McCallister MP, Oppenborn J, Ajemian MJ. (2023) Fish Res 259:106561
Author Correction: Limited acclimation of early life stages of the coral Seriatopora hystrix from mesophotic depth to shallow reefs | article Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Nakamura T, Harii S (2022) Sci Rep 12:15342
Coral fluorescence: a prey-lure in deep habitats | article Ben-Zvi O, Lindemann Y, Eyal G, Loya Y (2022) Communications Biology 5:1-8
Limited acclimation of early life stages of the coral Seriatopora hystrix from mesophotic depth to shallow reefs | article Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Nakamura T, Harii S (2022) Sci Rep 12:12836
Downslope migration of free-living corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) in typhoon-exposed reef habitats at Okinawa, Japan | article Ohara T, Hoeksema BW, Wee HB, Reimer JD (2021) Marine Environmental Research 170:105445
Plastic responses in the coral Pocillopora acuta to extreme low-light conditions with and without food provision | article Fong J, Poquita-Du RC, Todd PA (2021) Mar Biol 168:113
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Updating the current knowledge on the relationships between Haplosyllis chamaeleon Laubier, 1960 (Annelida, Syllidae) and Paramuricea clavata (Riss... | article Pola L, Calcinai B, Pica D, Di Camillo CG, Martin D, Cerrano C (2020) Marine Biodiversity 50:105