Trophic structure of mesophotic fish assemblages in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article Kosaki RK, Kane C, Pyle RL, Wagner D (2012) Proc 12th Int Coral Reef Symp
Cirrhilabrus nahackyi, a new wrasse (Perciformes; Labridae) from the South Pacific | article Walsh F, Tanaka H (2012) Aqua Int J Ichthyol 18:1-9
Occurrence and distribution of rhodolith beds on the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago of Brazil | article Amado-Filho GM, Pereira-Filho GH, Bahia RG, Abrantes DP, Veras PC, Matheus Z (2012) Aquat Bot 101:41-45
Deepwater fish assemblages at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica | article Starr RM, Green K, Sala E (2012) Rev Biol Trop 60:347-362
Abundance and diversity of anemonefishes and their host sea anemones at two mesophotic sites on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article Bridge T, Scott A, Steinberg D (2012) Coral Reefs 31:1057-1062
Evidence of sustained populations of a small reef fish on artificial structures. Does depth affect production on artificial reefs? | article Fowler AM, Booth DJ (2012) J Fish Biol 80:613-629
A new mesophotic clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from the Bahamas | article Sparks JS, Gruber DF (2012) Copeia 2012:251-256
The first record of Hippocampus denise (Syngnathidae) from Australia | article Foster R, Bridge TCL, Bongaerts P (2012) Aqua Int J Ichthyol 18:55-57
Fish and habitat community assessments on North Carolina shipwrecks: potential sites for detecting climate change in the graveyard of the Atlantic | report Whitfield PE, Muñ̃oz RC, Buckel CA, Heesemann LM (2011) United States, National Ocean Service., Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Cold seeps and benthic habitat on the Pacific margin of Canada | article Barrie JV, Cook S, Conway KW (2011) Continental Shelf Research 31:s85-s92