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Ecological role and phylogenetic position of a new habitat-forming species (Canalipalpata, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean mesophotic soft bottoms | article Enrichetti F, Baldrighi E, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Canese S, Costa A, del Pasqua M, Giangrande A, Langeneck J, Misic C, Putignano M, Toma M, Bo M (2022) Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 265:107737
Baited remote underwater video sample less site attached fish species along a subsea pipeline compared to a remotely operated vehicle | article Bond T, McLean DL, Prince J, Taylor MD, Partridge JC (2022) Mar Freshw Res 73:915-930
Regional patterns in demersal fish assemblages among subsea pipelines and natural habitats across north-west Australia | article Galaiduk R, Radford B, Case M, Bond T, Taylor M, Cooper T, Smith L, McLean D (2022) Front Mar Sci 9:979987
Habitat value of subsea wells and pipelines for fishery target species in Australia | article McLean D, Speed CW, Birt MJ, Colquhoun J, Case M, Stowar M, Bond T, Ierodiaconou D, Whitmarsh SK, Taylor MD, Wines S (2022) Front Mar Sci 9:960496
The Habitat Persistence Hypothesis: a new perspective on the distribution of coral-reef organisms | article Copus JM, Pyle RL, Bowen BW, Kosaki RK, Webster JM (2022) Front. Biogeogr. 14:e57427
Phylogeography of mesophotic coral ecosystems: squirrelfish and soldierfish (Holocentriformes: Holocentridae) | article Copus JM, Walsh CAJ, Hoban ML, Lee AM, Pyle RL, Kosaki RK, Toonen RJ, Bowen BW (2022) Diversity 14:691
Structure-from-motion photogrammetry demonstrates that fine-scale seascape heterogeneity is essential in shaping mesophotic fish assemblages | article Swanborn DJB, Swanborn DJB, Stefanoudis PV, Huvenne VAI, Pittman SJ, Woodall LC (2022) Remote Sens Ecol Conserv 8:904-920
Comprehensive spatial distribution of tropical fish assemblages from multifrequency acoustics and video fulfils the island mass effect framework | article Salvetat J, Bez N, Habasque J, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Lopes C, Roudaut G, Simier M, Travassos P, Vargas G, Bertrand A (2022) Sci Rep 12:8787
Depth and benthic habitat influence shallow and mesophotic predatory fishes on a remote, high-latitude coral reef | article Brown K, Monk J, Williams J, Carroll A, Harasti D, Barrett N (2022) PLoS ONE 17:e0265067