Baseline Assessment of Mesophotic Reefs of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain Based on Water Quality, Microbial Diversity, Benthic Cover and Fish ... | article Meirelles PM, Amado-Filho GM, Pereira-Filho GH, Pinheiro HT, de Moura RL, Joyeux J-C, Mazzei EF, Bastos AC, Edwards RA, Dinsdale E, Paranhos R, Santos EO, Lida T, Gotoh K, Nakamura S, Sawabe T, Rezende CE, Gadelha Jr LMR, Francini-Filho RB, Thompson C, Thompson FL (2015) PLoS ONE 10:e0130084 |
Habitat heterogeneity reflected in mesophotic reef sediments | article Weinstein DK, Klaus JS, Smith TB (2015) Sediment Geol 329:177-187 |
The boundary reefs : Glass sponge (Porifera: Hexactinellidae) reefs on the international border between Canada and the United States | report Stone RP, Conway KW, Csepp DJ, Barrie JV (2014) United States, National Marine Fisheries Service ; Alaska Fisheries Science Center (U.S.) ; United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ; Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.) |
Diverse and vulnerable deep-water biotopes in the Hardangerfjord | article Buhl-Mortensen P, Buhl-Mortensen L (2014) Mar Biol Res 10:253-267 |
Mapping coral and sponge habitats on a shelf-depth environment using multibeam sonar and ROV video observations: Learmonth Bank, northern British C... | article Neves BM, Du Preez C, Edinger E (2014) Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 99:169-183 |
Benthic habitat mapping in a Portuguese Marine Protected Area using EUNIS: An integrated approach | article Henriques V, Guerra MT, Mendes B, Gaudêncio MJ, Fonseca P (2014) Journal of Sea Research 1:77-90 |
The coral assemblages of an off-shore deep Mediterranean rocky bank (NW Sicily, Italy) | article Bo M, Cerrano C, Canese S, Salvati E, Angiolillo M, Santangelo G, Bavestrello G (2014) Mar Ecol 35:332-342 |
Seismic stratigraphy and development of the shelf-edge reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article Hinestrosa G, Webster JM, Beaman RJ, Anderson LM (2014) Mar Geol 353:1-20 |
Fishing impact on deep Mediterranean rocky habitats as revealed by ROV investigation | article Bo M, Bava S, Canese S, Angiolillo M, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Bavestrello G (2014) Biol Conserv 171:167-176 |
Classifying benthic biotopes on sub-tropical continental shelf reefs: How useful are abiotic surrogates? | article Richmond S, Stevens T (2014) Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 138:79-89 |