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Comment on Bang et al. Two new species of the genus Longipedia Claus, 1863 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Longipediidae) from Korea, with an update and ... | article Schizas NV, Dahms HU, Kangtia P, Estronza AM, Corgosinho PH (2022) Diversity 14:200
Polychaetes (Annelida, Polychaeta) associated with Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands | article Laverde-Castillo JA, Alfaro M, Weil E, Schizas NV (2022) Caribb J Sci 52:82-107
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Fish, Coral, and Sponge Assemblages Associated With Altiphotic and Mesophotic Reefs Along the Guánica Biosphere Reserve Continental Shelf Edge, Sou... | article García-Hernández JE, Sanchez PJ, Hammerman NM, Schizas NV (2018) Front Mar Sci
Characterizing population structure of coral-associated fauna from mesophotic and shallow habitats in the Caribbean | article Veglia A, Hammerman NM, Rivera Rosaly CR, Lucas M, Galindo Estronza A, Corgosinho PH, Schizas NV (2018) J Mar Biol Assoc UK