Eran Brokovich

Eran Brokovich

The Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences  (Israel)

Research interests

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Dr. Eran Brokovich is a freelance scientific consultant & knowledge broker based in Israel. Eran has a PhD in Marine ecology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and International experience working with governments, NGOs, academia and the private sector. Dr. Brokovich advises on various environmental subjects with a special expertise in marine ecology and climate change adaptation programs.


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Community ecology of mesophotic coral reef ecosystems | review
Kahng SE, Garcia-Sais JR, Spalding HL, Brokovich E, Wagner D, Weil E, Hinderstein L, Toonen RJ (2010)
Coral Reefs 29:255-275

A deep nursery for juveniles of the zebra angelfish Genicanthus caudovittatus | article
Brokovich E, Einbinder S, Kark S, Shashar N, Kiflawi M (2007)
Environ Biol Fish 80:1-6

Carbon and nitrogen utilization in two species of Red Sea corals along a depth gradient: Insights from stable isotope analysis of total organic mat... | article
Alamaru A, Loya Y, Brokovich E, Yam R, Shemesh A (2009)
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:5333-5342

Changes in morphology and diet of the coral Stylophora pistillata along a depth gradient | article
Einbinder S, Mass T, Brokovich E, Dubinsky Z, Erez J, Tchernov D (2009)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 381:167-174

Grazing pressure on coral reefs decreases across a wide depth gradient in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea | article
Brokovich E, Ayalon I, Einbinder S, Segev N, Shaked Y, Genin A, Kark S, Kiflawi M (2010)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 399:69-80

Photoacclimation of Stylophora pistillata to light extremes: metabolism and calcification | article
Mass T, Einbinder S, Brokovich E, Shashar N, Vago R, Erez J, Dubinsky Z (2007)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 334:93-102

Descending to the twilight-zone: changes in coral reef fish assemblages along a depth gradient down to 65 m | article
Brokovich E, Einbinder S, Shashar N, Kiflawi M, Kark S (2008)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 371:253-262

Functional changes of the visual system of the damselfish Dascyllus marginatus along its bathymetric range | article
Brokovich E, Ben-Ari T, Kark S, Kiflawi M, Dishon G, Iluz D, Shashar N (2010)
Physiol Behav 101:413-21

Large-scale invasion of western Atlantic mesophotic reefs by lionfish potentially undermines culling-based management | article
Andradi-Brown DA, Vermeij MJA, Slattery M, Lesser M, Bejarano I, Appeldoorn R, Goodbody-Gringley G, Chequer AD, Pitt JM, Eddy C, Smith SR, Brokovich E, Pinheiro HT, Jessup ME, Shepherd B, Rocha LA, Curtis-Quick J, Eyal G, Noyes TJ, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017)
Biol Invasions 19:939–954

Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)