SCUBA (open-circuit or unspecified)

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Zonation patterns of benthic communities in an upwelling area from the western Mediterranean (La Herradura, Alboran Sea) | article
Cebrián E, Ballesteros E (2004)
Scientia Marina 68:69-84
Ecological and genetic evidence of the vulnerability of shallow‐water populations of the stylasterid hydrocoral Errina novaezelandiae in New Zealan... | article
Miller KJ, Mundy CN, Chadderton WL (2004)
Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 14:75-94

Demography of the over-exploited Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L. 1758) | article
Santangelo G, Maggi E, Bramanti L, Buongiorno L (2004)
Scientia Marina 68:199-204
Habitat and reef-fish assemblages of banks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Parrish FA, Boland RC (2004)
Mar Biol 144:1065-1073

Composition, distribution, and abundance of deep-water (> 30 m) macroalgae in central California | article
Spalding H, Foster MS, Heine JN (2003)
J Phycol 39:273-284

Two new labrid fishes of the genus Oxycheilinus from the South Pacific | article
Randall JE, Westneat MW, Gomon MF (2003)
Proc Calif Acad Sci 54:361-370, Pl. 1
Amphimedon denhartogi spec. nov. (Porifera: Haplosclerida) from deep reef habitats in Indonesia | article
de Voogd NJ (2003)
Zool Verh 345:413-418
Implication of water depth on stable isotope composition and skeletal density banding patterns in a Porites lutea colony: results from a long-term ... | article
Rosenfeld M, Yam R, Shemesh A, Loya Y (2003)
Coral Reefs 22:337-345

An annotated checklist of deep-reef benthic marine algae from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas (western Atlantic), I. Chlorophyta and Heterokontophyta | article
Ballantine DL, Aponte NE (2003)
Nova Hedwigia 76:113-127

Deep formations (50-80 m) of the solitary coral Phacelocyanthus flos on southern Caribbean reefs | article
Vermeij MJA, Engelen AH, Bak RPM (2003)
Coral Reefs 22:107-108

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