SCUBA (open-circuit or unspecified)

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Ecological Status of Coralligenous Macroalgal Assemblages in the Marine Protected Area (MPA) Isole Ciclopi (Ionian Sea) | article
Costanzo L, G, Marletta G, & Alongi G (2021)
Plants 10:329

Downslope migration of free-living corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) in typhoon-exposed reef habitats at Okinawa, Japan | article
Ohara T, Hoeksema BW, Wee HB, Reimer JD (2021)
Marine Environmental Research 170:105445

Can wrecks serve as exploitable surrogate habitats for degraded natural reefs? | article
Sánchez-Caballero CA, Borges-Souza JM, Abelson A (2021)
Mar Environ Res

Selection of mesophotic habitats by Oculina patagonica in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea following global warming | article
Martinez S, Bellworthy J, Ferrier-Pagès C, Mass T (2021)
Sci Rep 11:18134

Dissolved nitrogen acquisition in the symbioses of soft and hard corals with Symbiodiniaceae: A key to understanding their different nutritional st... | article
Pupier CA, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, Van de Water JA, Ferrier-Pagès C (2021)
Front Microbiol

Unravelling the importance of diazotrophy in corals–combined assessment of nitrogen assimilation, diazotrophic community and natural stable isotope... | article
Bednarz VN, Van De Water JA, Grover R, Maguer JF, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C (2021)
Front Microbiol

Plasticity of Porites astreoides early life history stages suggests mesophotic coral ecosystems act as refugia in Bermuda | article
Goodbody-Gringley G, Scucchia F, Ju R, Chequer A, Einbinder S, Martinez S, Nativ H, Mass T (2021)
Front Mar Sci 8:702672

Community similarity and species overlap between habitats provide insight into the deep reef refuge hypothesis | article
Montgomery AD, Fenner D, Donahue MJ, Toonen RJ. (2021)
Scientific Reports 11:23787

Vulnerability of Temperate Mesophotic Ecosystems (TMEs) to environmental impacts: Rapid ecosystem changes at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Ireland | article
Micaroni V, McAllen R, Turner J, Strano F, Morrow C, Picton B, Harman L, Bell JJ (2021)
Science of The Total Environment 789:147708

Predicting the distribution of threatened orbicellid corals in shallow and mesophotic reef ecosystems | article
Egan KE, Viehman TS, Holstein DM, Poti M, Groves SH, Smith TB (2021)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 667:61-81

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