Stylophora pistillata

Stylophora pistillata

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Symbiodinium diversity in mesophotic coral communities on the Great Barrier Reef: a first assessment | article
Bongaerts P, Sampayo EM, Bridge TCL, Ridgway T, Vermeulen F, Englebert N, Webster JM, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2011)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 439:117-126
1 occurrence(s)
Fluorescent proteins in dominant mesophotic reef-building corals | article
Roth MS, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Pochon X, Bidigare RR, Gates RD, Smith AM, Spalding HL (2015)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 521:63-79
1 occurrence(s)
Mesophotic coral depth acclimatization is a function of host-specific symbiont physiology | article
Ziegler M, Roder CM, Büchel C, Voolstra CR (2015)
Front Mar Sci
1 occurrence(s)
Temperature related depth limits of warm-water corals | article
Kahng SE, Wagner D, Lantz C, Vetter O, Gove J, Merrifield M (2012)
Proc 12th Int Coral Reef Symp
1 occurrence(s)
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