Scleractinian coral recruitment patterns at Salt River submarine canyon, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands | article Rogers CS, Fitz III HC, Gilnack M, Beets J, Hardin J (1984) Coral Reefs 3:69-76
7 occurrence(s)
Genetic Divergence across Habitats in the Widespread Coral Seriatopora hystrix and Its Associated Symbiodinium | article Bongaerts P, Riginos C, Ridgway T, Sampayo EM, van Oppen MJH, Englebert N, Vermeulen F, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2010) PLoS ONE 5:e10871
2 occurrence(s)
Reproductive ecology and early life history traits of the brooding coral, Porites astreoides, from shallow to mesophotic zones | article Goodbody-Gringley G, Wong KH, Becker DM, Glennon K, de Putron SJ (2018) Coral Reefs 37:483-494
1 occurrence(s)
Investigations on mesophotic coral ecosystems in Cuba (1970-1973) and Mexico (1983-1984) | article Zlatarski V (2018) CICIMAR Oceánides 33:27-43
1 occurrence(s)
Depth limits of Bermudan scleractinian corals: a submersible survey | article Fricke H, Meischner D (1985) Mar Biol 88:175-187
1 occurrence(s)
The distribution of algae, corals, and gorgonians in relation to depth, light attenuation, water movement and grazing pressure in the fringing reef... | article Van den Hoek C, Breeman AM, Bak RPM, Van Buurt G (1978) Aquat Bot 5:1-46
1 occurrence(s)