Coral disease prevalence and host susceptibility on mid-depth and deep reefs in the United States Virgin Islands | article Calnan JM, Smith TB, Nemeth RS, Kadison E, Blondeau J (2008) Rev Biol Trop 56:223-234
13 occurrence(s)
Benthic structure and cryptic mortality in a Caribbean mesophotic coral reef bank system, the Hind Bank Marine Conservation District, US Virgin Isl... | article Smith TB, Blondeau J, Nemeth RS, Pittman SJ, Calnan JM, Kadison E, Gass J (2010) Coral Reefs 29:289-308
10 occurrence(s)
Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)
8 occurrence(s)
Resource partitioning by reef corals as determined from stable isotope composition. I. d13C of zooxanthellae and animal tissue vs depth | article Muscatine L, Porter JW, Kaplan IR (1989) Mar Biol 100:185-193
7 occurrence(s)
Scleractinian coral recruitment patterns at Salt River submarine canyon, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands | article Rogers CS, Fitz III HC, Gilnack M, Beets J, Hardin J (1984) Coral Reefs 3:69-76
6 occurrence(s)
Distribution of anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia) in the area of Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean | article Barrios-Suárez LM, Reyes JO, Navas GR, García CB (2002) Cienc Mar 28:37-48
2 occurrence(s)
Assessing coral reef health across onshore to offshore stress gradients in the US Virgin Islands | article Smith TB, Nemeth RS, Blondeau J, Calnan JM, Kadison E, Herzlieb S (2008) Mar Pollut Bull 56:1983-1991
2 occurrence(s)
Imaging coral I: Imaging coral habitats with the SeaBED AUV | article Singh H, Armstrong R, Gilbes F, Eustice R, Roman C, Pizarro O, Torres J (2004) Subsurface Sensing Tech Appls 5:25-42
2 occurrence(s)
Large-scale mapping and characterization of deep reef habitats in the US Caribbean | article Armstrong RA, Singh H, Kunz C (2010) Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst
2 occurrence(s)
Biological and physical characteristics of a mesophotic coral reef: Black Jack reef, Vieques, Puerto Rico | article Rivero-Calle S, Armstrong RA, Soto-Santiago FJ (2008) Proc 11th Int Coral Reef Symp Session number: 16:567-571
2 occurrence(s)