Leptoseris fragilis

Leptoseris fragilis

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Population Structure of Montastraea cavernosa on Shallow versus Mesophotic Reefs in Bermuda | article
Goodbody-Gringley G, Marchini C, Chequer AD, Goffredo S (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0142427
1 occurrence(s)
Lower mesophotic coral communities (60-125 m depth) of the Northern Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea | article
Englebert N, Bongaerts P, Muir PR, Hay KB, Pichon M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2017)
PLoS ONE 12:e0170336
1 occurrence(s)
Photosynthesis and respiration of hermatypic zooxanthellate Red Sea corals from 5-75 m depth | article
Stambler N, Levy O, Vaki L (2008)
Isr J Plant Sci 56:45-53
1 occurrence(s)
Photoacclimatization by the coral Montastraea cavernosa in the mesophotic zone: light, food, and genetics | article
Lesser MP, Slattery M, Stat M, Ojimi M, Gates RD, Grottoli A (2010)
Ecology 91:990-1003
1 occurrence(s)
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