
[62 results] • Download as CSV

Effects of gastropod predation on the reproductive output of an overexploited deep octocoral | article
Priori C, Erra F, Angiolillo M, Santangelo G (2015)
Coral Reefs 34:59-63

In situ Tagging of Nassau Grouper Epinephelus striatus Using Closed-Circuit Rebreathers at a Spawning Aggregation in Puerto Rico | article
Tuohy E, Nemeth MI, Bejarano I, Schärer MT, Appeldoorn RS (2015)
Mar Technol Soc J 49:115-123

Fertile fathoms: Deep reproductive refugia for threatened shallow corals | article
Holstein DM, Smith TB, Gyory J, Paris CB (2015)
Sci Rep 5:12407

Ecological shifts in Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages related to gorgonian forest loss | article
Ponti M, Perlini RA, Ventra V, Grech D, Abbiati M, Cerrano C (2014)
PLoS ONE 9:e102782

Behavioural Characteristics of Spawning in the Bermuda Chub (Kyphosus sectatrix) | article
Nemeth RS, Kadison E (2013)
Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst
Temporal patterns and behavioral characteristics of aggregation formation and spawning in the Bermuda chub (Kyphosus sectatrix) | article
Nemeth RS, Kadison E (2013)
Coral Reefs 32:1067-1076

Demography of deep-dwelling red coral populations: Age and reproductive structure of a highly valued marine species | article
Priori C, Mastascusa V, Erra F, Angiolillo M, Canese S, Santangelo G (2013)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 118:43-49

Sexual reproduction of the Hawaiian black coral Antipathes griggi (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) | article
Wagner D, Waller RG, Montgomery AD, Kelley CD, Toonen RJ (2012)
Coral Reefs 31:796-806

Reproductive cycle and trophic ecology in deep versus shallow populations of the Mediterranean gorgonian Eunicella singularis (Cap de Creus, northw... | article
Gori A, Viladrich N, Gili JM, Kotta M, Cucio C, Magni L, Bramanti L, Rossi S (2012)
Coral Reefs 31:823-837

Sexual reproduction of Hawaiian black corals, with a review of the reproduction of antipatharians (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) | article
Wagner D, Waller RG, Toonen RJ (2011)
Invertebr Biol 130:211-225

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